Monday Morning Mistakes Syndication

Monday Morning Mistakes: Not Setting Memory Limits

Welcome back to another addition of Monday Morning Mistakes series. Today’s issue is one I tend to run into quite often with clients and is an important topic to know about as a database administrator. Without further ado, let’s get to our issue


You have SQL Server database engine installed on a system with other services such as Analysis Services, Reporting Services and/ or Integration Services and you constantly seem to run out of memory. Restarting service seems to fix the issue temporarily but some time later the same problem returns.

Monday Morning Mistakes Syndication Tips

Monday Morning Mistakes: SSIS Expressions Not Evaluating Correctly


SSIS Expressions

Expressions in SSIS are great. They allow you to create dynamic values for all sorts of stuff like variables, connection strings, properties for almost anything, etc. One huge issue that tends to trip up a lot of folks, especially those new to SSIS, is the evaluation of those expressions when using variables.

The Issue

You create an SSIS variable with an expression but at runtime the expression is not evaluating as expected. Instead the expression value is using the default/static value of the variable.

Quick Answer

Make sure property for ‘Evaluate as an Expression” on the variable is set to True. Without it being set to true, the variable will evaluate to the hard set value.